Saturday, April 4, 2009

Schedule, Spring and Random things...

OK, I know this is totally ridiculous just to walking
around the block, but I couldn't resist!!

See... she really does smile!! She LOVES her

My sweet little tomboy

Smiley little man trying on his new hat!

Daddy with his sweet booger bears! (We have way
to many nicknames!! haha)

Well, I have to start off by saying that I am EXTREMELY jealous that Cody is at the Final Four in Detroit (on the first deck!)... But at the same time glad he got a chance to go experience at least once in his lifetime:)

Mom, Kaylie, Parker and I have just been hanging out around the house.... doing nothing really, except working on the kiddos schedule:) Oh yeah, I did go to a HUGE 'garage sale' today and bought some great things (4 pair of shorts for Parker, a shirt for him, 2 outfits for Kaylie, 10 books, 2 fun toys, and some blocks!) Meredith went with me... thank the lord because there was a million people there and seriously people were dragging around suitcases and filling them up! It was a ZOO! I got some great deals so it was definitely worth it!
Anyways, so back to the kiddos schedule... let me just let everyone know what a day in the life of me entails:

6:30-7:00a Kaylie and Parker wake up
7:30a- K- 6oz bottle, P 4oz bottle and 1/2 jar of apple sauce
8:15-10:15a NAP TIME
10:30a- K and P 6oz bottles
11:45a-12:30p- Cat nap (working on cutting this nap out:))
1:30p-K 6 oz bottle, P4oz bottle and 1/2 jar fruit or veggie
2:30- 4:30 NAP TIME
4:30- K and P 6oz bottle
6:30-7:00p- Bottle/ Bed

So obviously everyday varies a tad but not too much... When they aren't eating or sleeping I am doing everything in my power to keep them happy! (Usually making a complete fool out of myself..haha!) I am trying to get them out of taking that middle cat nap because this summer I am going to want to go do stuff during the day! Also, don't think I have been depriving Kaylie of solids... she refuses to eat them!! She will kind of try, but then spits it out... Parker on the other hand LOVES his apple sauce and bananas... But I figure she is growing at a good rate so I'm really not too concerned about it... its also much easier feeding one solids then trying to force feed 2 at once:) So what you can see by the schedule they are on is that ITS A FULL-TIME JOB!!! But I LOVE it and wouldn't change anything... I am truly blessed to be able to stay home with my sweet angels!

Well, the babies are asleep and I am beat so I better push 'publish' and head to bed!

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