Monday, August 31, 2009

My Fearless Little Guy!!

Little man LOVED the splash park!!


No Fear!

Yesterday morning Cody and I took the kids and Buddy to the Frisco Commons park... I love this park because it has an awesome walking trail with a pond and tons of trees... not to meantion the HUGE play ground (once the kiddos get a little bit bigger!) Anyways, so they put in this new mini splash park.... I puropsely put Parker in pants and Kaylie in tights so they could crawl around and get wet! They had never done this before so I have no idea if they would like it or not... Well, Kaylie wasn't a huge fan, BUT Parker had a BLAST!! I mean totally fearless and totally 100% little boy crawling around soaking wet, getting sprayed in the face and laughing! HE LOVED IT!!! (Kaylie just sat on the side and played with an old water bottle...haha!)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day at the Zoo!! (Picture overload)

First arriving at the Zoo... Daddy and the kids first time there!

Cody and I attemping to get the gorilla in the picture
with us... you can barely see him!!

Cody's long lost twin..haha!

Favorite picture of the day... Kaylie and the gorilla gazing
into each others eyes!

Parker wondering what in the heck that thing is!

Parker and Kaylie playing with the gorilla!

He forgot to wipe...haha... Cody couldn't resist taking a
picture of this!!;)

Momma, kiddos, and gorilla!!

They love the zoo!

Dick family on the monorail... so much fun!

Other favorite pic of the day... She has him wrapped
around her finger so tight!

Pretty girl on the monorail!

Me and my little man on the monorail

They LOVED watching the turtles!

Posing with the elephants!

Can you say... EXHAUSTED!!!!:)
This morning we decided to take the kids to the Dallas Zoo... We went at 9am, parked at the front enterance, and enjoyed the 75 degree weather:) Oh and the best part was that NO ONE was there...(ok, maybe like 10 people, but it empty!) Cody and the kids had never been to the Dallas Zoo before today. We had so much fun.... I think we could have sat and watched the gorilla for 2 hours, he was hilarious... and it was so funny watching the kids just look at him, wondering what on earth he was!!
Well, kids are asleep and momma and daddy are tired... so nighty night!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ok, so after their morning nap I had to go to Babies R Us to return something that I had bought a few weeks ago... We get in there, walking around the store browsing and this lady walks up to us... well, she is from the Photo Dept. (Obviously, trying to sell the service they offer!) so I listened to her spill and she said if she could take the kids pics that I could get a free 5x7 pic... so of course, I said "sure!"... Well Parker was a ham (of course) and Kaylie did great too! I got my free pic and then they put the rest online and I just copied and pasted them here... So here are the shots they got! Actually pretty good for a Babies R Us studio...:) Please excuse the proof watermark.

Sweet little man!

My big beach boy!

Sweet angel!

Watch out boys... she's a beach babe!!

Love this pic of them together:) This is the free one I got!

Actually, I LOVE this one and want to order it!

So funny!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A much better end of the day!!

My friend Jocelyn and I took our kids to the My Gym trial class today... and of course they LOVED it:) (I think we are going to wait until they are walking to enroll them though!) Anyways, here are some pictures from our day.... ended up much, better then the "crappy" start!

My little monkey hanging from the bars:)

Parker, Mikayla, and Kaylie climbing up and down the mat!

SOOOOO happy!

Big pretty girl playing in the ball pit!

Miss Priss doing a hand stand on the balance beam!

Loved the swing and cried when the other kids had
to take a turn!!

They were watching daddy grill steaks tonight!
(And notice, Buddy is never far behind them!)

Me pricing clothes for a garage sale (it's not until Oct 3rd)
and Buddy couldn't help himself but to fall asleep right on
top of everything!!

"Crappy" start to a beautiful day!!

LITERALLY.... (beware this is disgusting!! But I just have to document it!!)

So, this about 7:30 this morning I decided to take the kids on a walk because its so nice outside... So we have our nice little 30 minute walk around the neighborhood, we get back and I take the kids out of the the stroller and put them on the tile in our front entry way so they can crawl around and play... ( I go in the kitchen to clean up)... Its gets very quiet in the front hall way, which means the two booger bears are up to no good!... Here's the nasty part... I come around the corner to find two babies COVERED (hands, feet, legs, arms, etc) in poop!! They both had blow outs at the same time and it had come out of their diapers... As I go to pick Kaylie up she slips on the poop and hits her head!! All the while, Buddy is trying to lick it all up off the tile... NASTY! So as fast as I could I got the wipes, wiped them down and threw them in the tub! For about 20 minutes I felt like I was running a 3 ring circus trying to keep both 1/2 naked babies calm, while Buddy was trying to lick everything!! Gotta love those moments... Needless to say, I got them bathed, put on some Baby Einstein to calm them down, and now they are napping! Yeah and its only 9:30am!!! What a day it's going to be:)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The ball pit...

Their new ball pit... they think it's the greatest toy EVER!!

And yes, they learned immediately that you can throw
the balls out of the pool...I can't wait until they learn how
to put them back in themselves:) haha

Nose dive into the ball pit by my little man... such a boy!!

Ok, so this is a sign I made to hang on my front door...
I still have to attach the ribbon to hang it, but I get
so tired of just getting the kids to sleep, then someone comes and
rings the doorbell and wakes them up! So annoying!
Well, no big plans here today... may go play at Willowbend mall and tonight Cody and I are going to a party so mom is coming to watch the kiddos!

Friday, August 21, 2009

If I had....

... TRIPLETS, this is what it would look like!!


Yes, I pushed them all they way around the neighborhood...
one hand on each stroller... people were looking at me
like I was crazy! haha

Thank the lord for Baby Einstein:)

Today I watched our friend Christine's little girl Makyla (she is 3 days older then Kaylie and Parker) from 7a-4p! It was so funny watching all of them play together all day...although, not so funny, when they all wanted the same thing at the same time... ie. to eat, to sleep, diaper change, etc!! But for the most part, they played really well together and Kaylie and Parker loved having someone new in the house to play with besides themselves:)

So needless, to say I am absolutely beat... I bought the kids a "ball pit" ( OK, so it's a kiddie pool filled with ball pit balls... hey they'll never know..haha!) so I will post those pictures tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Little bit of this, Little bit of that

Today I was trying to get a cute picture of them together...
and this is the only way to contain them:)

Buddy in the new favorite toy of the house!

Kaylie loving her rides around the house in the box..haha!
Why do I even buy toys?!?

This is how to keep them contained! Parker already
figured out how to get out;)

The past few days, Parker has been pushing this toy all over the house!

He LOVES it and thinks he is such a big boy for being able to do it:)

Just a quick update of random things... more tomorrow!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My sweet girl finally cooperated for Jean Marie to take
a good picture of her:)

My photogenic one... in Aspen at Jean Marie's

Sweet man in Colorado... another one by Jean Marie!

Jason, Andrea, Parker and I in Aspen
(back when we went in July!)

Let me start by saying this post was suppose to be up 2 hours ago.... I thought the kids were good an asleep... UHHH NO! I was definitely wrong... I have spent the past 2 hours trying to get Parker to stop crying and go to sleep! NOT FUN! I think he is having a hard time these days becasue of all of his new teeth coming in... I know they hurt him:( Kaylie just rolled over and went to sleep... at least I have one good sleeper!!

So, today we pretty much just enjoyed our Sunday at home... this morning I went and got a pedicure while Cody watched the kids... then this afternoon I took the kids down to see Jean Marie and her girls! (while we were there she took the picture above of Kaylie) It was nice being home this weekend and having no real plans! Oh yeah, I did get a chance to grab sushi with my friend Joceyln friday night:) Always nice for some girl time with no kids!! Well since I am about to pull my hair out from fighting a 10 month old to sleep... I think it calls for a rocky road ice cream cone!!:)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bitter Sweet!!

I haven't taken pictures in a while, so I decided to
put one of my favorite pictures on here... oh I remember
the days when they would be so sweet and snuggle
with each other..haha!

Well... it's offical I am selling all of Kaylie and Parker's baby stuff:( Which probably means no more babies for a while! We haven't totally ruled out having more kids, but if we do, it will be in 3 or 4 years! At this point, Cody and I are both over the whole "baby stage"! Yes, I will probably get baby fever in about 3 years, but I am hoping my friends will start having babies and I can just play with them and give them back:) haha! I am in a group called Plano Area Mother's of Multiples and they are having their semi-annual garage sale Oct. 3rd, so I went ahead and got a table reserved! So last night when I was going through all of the clothes (TONS of clothes!!) they have outgrown, it was bitter sweet because we really have no use for them, but at the same time, there are so many outfits that i can remeber exactly where they wore them and it brings back memories that I never want to lose! (Don't worry I did keep all of the stuff that has sentimental value:)) So yeah, that's that... my kiddos are growing up WAY too fast!

Well, nothing else really going on around here... Gammie Sha Sha is in town, so we will just be hanging out and playing!