Sunday, April 26, 2009

Berger Family Reunion Pictures

Buddy after a VERY tiring day in the country...haha!

The view from the house.... so nice to wake up to
in the morning!

Cody and I hanging out (kids were sleeping:))

My sweet little boy looks like a grown man:(

Aunt Gayle and Parker

Cousin Bless with Miss Priss!

Aunt Rae, Cousin Ash and Parker!

Momo with her great-grandson!

Pretty typical spot for me this weekend... trying to get
Kaylie to nap!

Like father like son... love this picture!

Buddy's first time in the country!!

We stopped in Hearne on the way to Gause to see
Doris for a few hours... she is a longtime family friend
of Cody's family!

This weekend we loaded up the kids and went to Gause, TX (right outside of Hearne, TX which is right outside of Bryan, TX...haha!) for a famliy reunion. The reunion was at Ray (Cody's mom's cousin) and Molly's farm. It was out in the country and so much fun... It was the kids first time out in the wilderness and they loved it! We put the jumperoo out on the porch and Kaylie had a blast (when she wasn't being fussy from lack of sleep and teething..aaaahhhhh!) Parker was just as content as could be... as usual:) Cody did some fishing and I did some reading (which I never get to do at home because there are a million other things for me to do!) Oh yeah and don't let me forget about little Buddy... it was the first time our "city" dog had been in the country...haha... he was the only dog that was on a leash...Poor Bud! We didn't want to take the chance of him running off! Well, I am gonna keep this short and head to bed...we are beat!!

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