Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy 6 Month Birthday My Sweet Angels:)

6 months ago... my loves!

6 Month old pics!
Their "My twins did it" onesies that
Cody's Aunt bought them... haha!

Sooooo sooooo sweet!

There's my sweet girl laughing:)

Ok, seriously, someone pinch me? There is NO way my sweet little cherub babies could already be 6 months old?!? CRRRAAZZZYYY! It seriously feels like just yesterday that the nurse at the hospital was knocking on my hospital room door in the middle of the night saying "Its the nursery, Time to feed!" Oh how I DO NOT miss those first few months of 'up-all-nights':)

Anyways, today we had their 6 month check up (which was MISERABLE, but I will get to that later!) and they are both healthy as can be:) Here are the stats:

Height- 28 1/2in (above 95th percentile)
Weight- 18.8 lbs (90th percentile)
Head- 17 1/2in (90th percentile)

Height- 28 in (90th percentile)
Weight- 16.10 lbs (30th percentile)
Head- 18in (90th percentile)

I always love going to see how much they weight and how tall they are:) BUT what I don't like is when it takes an hour and a half for their appt (we were in the room for that long!!).... seriously, we were in a 10ft X 5ft hot room with no windows, 2 kids screaming from pure exhausting and starvation, and nurses who were taking their sweet time to come in and give them their shots!! It was awful... Cody and I were about to go nuts!

Let's see... what else is new around here? Parker now has a list of 5 foods he likes to eat...Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Apple Sauce, Bananas, and Prunes (but those are only eaten when he needs a good cleansing..haha)... He loves his baby food! Kaylie is ALMOST sitting up by herself, I give her about 2 weeks and she will have it down! Oh yeah, Parker has now managed to turn himself sideways in his crib and get stuck (width way)...He hasn't figured out yet how to get himself out of it, so we are constantly running in to save him:)

Well, I guess that about all for now... Kids are asleep and I am going to relax and read my magazine!!

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