Sunday, March 29, 2009

While daddy was gone....

Us in the car watching Will play tennis!

I bought sister a new bikini and I was dying
for her to try it on:) So cute!

Funniest picture of my little guy... he was
so happy to be outside!

Kaylie loved her hat and shades...actually
I think she just liked being outside!


My sweet little guys and me:)

Parker in his new tube toy!!

What an event-filled weekend we had!! Just me, mom, and the kiddos! (Cody was in Bryan for a wedding!)... Saturday we went to my Mom's of Multiples group garage sale.... they had such great stuff! I bought a ton of sleepers for 50 cents!! I am the ultimate bargain shopper, I hate buying baby clothes new unless I just have to... they only wear them for 2 months at the max! So anyways, I also bought a new bath tub thing... more like a little innertube they just lay in... kaylie loves it because she has figured out how to kick water and splash it all over the bathroom! I love garage sales!! After the garage sale we went to Richardson and saw Uncle Will playing tennis... it was 30 degrees outside so we just sat in the car, but Will was so happy to see his niece and nephew.
Then today... where do I begin? Well, I have been wanting to landscape the front of the house because it has looked horrendous for the past year and never got around to doing it... so this morning I woke up went to Lowes got me a little shovel and rake and mom and I got to work! (mind you, all while we watched the kiddos...good thing they took a 3 hour nap this afternoon so we could finish!) When I say we re-landscaped, I mean we RE- landscaped. Ripped out 3/4 of the shrubs, remulched the entire bed, and planted new flowers! I am so happy we just got a wild hair and did it because it makes the house look so much better... and on top of that Kaylie and Parker love being outside, so they didnt mind watching us in their chairs:)
So if you can only imagine, after 6 hours of some serious yard work I am completely exhausted!!!

PS: Saturday it was 30 degrees and today it was 75! Gotta love this Texas weather!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New happenings...

They are loving laying on a blanket surrounded in
toys... today they were fighting over the thing
Kaylie has... it was hilarious! (they were playing tug-a-war
with it!)

Kaylie in her big girl chair! She loves being
able to look around!

Parker loving his new high chair!

My "babies" are growing up wwaaaaayyy too fast!

Well, here are a few new pics we took yesterday and today! I started feeding them apple sauce and bananas in their highchairs. Parker does great with the spoon, but Kaylie still isnt too sure about it! (She is just a little lazier and wants the easy way out...aka: a bottle!) Anyways, they have offically outgrown their play mat... they would much rather be laying on a big blanket rolling around in all their toys!

No big plans this weekend... Cody will be in Bryan for a wedding, but I am staying home with the kids. Mom is coming over to help:) I think we are going to take the kids to my mom of multiples garage sale, then Will is in town for a tennis tourney, so we will go by there and see him play. Saturday night I am going to Meredith and Allen's house for Allen's bday party... other than that nothing really going on this weekend, just going to enjoy being with the kiddos!

Post more later this weekend!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Home Sweet Home!!!

Sweet Parker in his beach hat! They played dress up
while we were gone!

Kaylie is ready for the beach!

The Baby Einstein theatre!! haha

My little easter bunnies! Leave it up to Mimi
to have them dressed as bunnies... haha!

Kaylie with her new purse and rabbit ears!

The kiddos took over our bed while we were gone!

Cody and I in front of the Wynn in Vegas!

Adam, Jen, Cody and I in front of Ceasar's Palace!

Cody and I on the strip!
Well we are back to reality...and I would take it any day over Vegas! Don't get me wrong, we had a blast in Vegas, but I couldn't wait to get back to see the kiddos!! I can't believe how much they changed while we were gone... While we were gone they both rolled over for the first time and now its their favorite thing to do, Kaylie grabs onto her feet all the time now, and Parker is still smiley as can be! I know the grandmas and great grandma had a great time watching the babies... THANKS GRANDMAS!!
Our trip was a much needed vacation... it was so nice to get away and get a FULL nights sleep for a few days... We should have known our luck was bad when we first arrived at the airport... we were checking our bag (only brought one, thinking it would be cheaper then having to pay for 2 bags!), well we out the bag on the scale and it was 68 POUNDS!! hahaha... we were 18 lbs over the weight limit... so needless to say we were too cheap to pay the extra $50 so I carried literally HALF of the clothes that were in the bag in my hands through security until I could get to a store to ask for a plastic bag to put it all in.... Cody was sooo embarassed!! haha... so thats how the trip started! Our favorite card game is 3 card poker, but its not very fun to play when you arent winning!!!:( Oh well, its Vegas right? You can't expect to come home a millionaire!!
So anyways, we had a great time, but we are both happy to be home! Well, I just heard the little angels getting up from their nap... I will update more tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

T minus 12 hours until...VEGAS!

Meredith with twins! (She came over
and watched them when I went to work
for a few hours!!!)

Daddy being silly with Kaylie before he changed
her diaper!

Well, we are now counting down the hours until we leave for Vegas! Grammie Sha Sha and Momo came in town today and are staying until Sunday, then Mimi will come take over until we get home Monday night! Its a bittersweet vacation... Its the first time we have left the kids over night, but it is MUCH needed!! I am finally starting to really look forward to going... it's taken me awhile to get excited because I am going to miss the kids like crazy, but I know they are in good hands with their grandmas!:) We've had this vacation planned for awhile, so I have had time to prepare:)

Anyways, the kiddos are doing great! Kaylie new favorite thing is her jumperoo! She LOVES it! (I took a video of her in the jumperoo and Parker in the exhaucer, but I cant get it to upload) The past 2 days have been gorgeous, so I have taken them on walks in the stroller... they love being outside! Today, Brooke (Will's bestfriend) came over to meet the babies, and she brought them the most adorable clothes! Thanks Brooke!

Well, nothing else really going on, just getting packed up! I am bring the comp with me so I will update from Vegas!:)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Crib Party!!

So, last night kaylie decided it would be hilarious to wake up every 2 hours laughing... (not so funny at 3 am!!)... I think she was having her own party in her crib celebrating mommy's birthday! haha... I have no idea what she was doing, but thank goodness my mom was here to get her back to sleep!

Anyways, YES today I turned 25! It was a great day... woke up early went to Target with mom (for those of you who know me, know that's my fav place!), came home played with the kids, after lunch I went with my friend Meredith to get a mani and pedi:)... it was her gift to me!... then came home and Cody made us ribs for dinner! Pretty laid back, but wonderful day!

As for the kiddos, they are just growing like crazy! The rice cereal eatting is going OK, but not great! Kaylie gets too hungry and would much rather just suck down a bottle (because it takes less work...haha!) Parker is good at the cereal, but LOVES his bottles too! Its funny now though because when they see that bottle that go crazy and if you pull it out of their mouth while they eat, they scream! Parker is laughing like crazy now ALL the time... it is absolutely the most cute thing in the whole world (I will try and catch it on video tomorrow!)

Well, the kids have been asleep since 7 and I am exhausted so nighty night!
PS: I promise to take more pics tomorrow and post them!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Good week...

Uncle Will and Kaylie

Uncle Will and Parker

Andrea and sweet sweet man!

Andrea and the babies very typical of
Kaylie (she hates cameras)and I think
Parker was just caught off guard!

ALWAYS smiling... especially in his swing!

She loves her jumperoo... she actually has half
of a smile:)

This looks like she is thinking "Mom, get that
freakin camera out of my face.. I'm not gonna
tell you again!"...haha
This week was a great week (much better then last week!) Tuesday my good friend Andrea came in town from Denver and stayed until Thursday... it was her first time meeting the twins so we pretty much just hung around the house and did a little shopping:) Also, Will (my bro) came into town for Spring Break with his girlfriend and they stopped by yesterday to see the babies!
Basically all I have been doing is trying to get the kids back on a schedule after being sick all week the week before... They are doing so much better! Parker is actually starting to like rice cereal... Sister, not so much... Andrea and I have decided that Kaylie isn't going to do any more then she feels like doing...haha! It really amazes me how different these two kiddos are... I mean we raise them exactly the same way and they are completely opposite already! I'm glad though because if I had 2 high maintence kids like Kaylie I would be in trouble!:)
Anyways, really nothing much going on here... we leave for Vegas for my 25th bday on Wednesday and the grandmas are in charge!! Its bittersweet... We need to kidless vacation, but its our first time without them, so it will feel weird! I am leaving an "owners manuel" for grandma sha sha, Momo, and Mimi... you may think I'm crazy, but these two kids can be a handful:) Well gotta run... update more later!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

5 months old... yesterday:)

Seriuosly, she might be the most sleepy child
on the planet! One second she was playing,
the next she was knocked out!! haha...

5 month old pics... really nothing has changed...
brother is still smiley and sister is still

So sweet...

Oh my gosh....these months are flying by... 5 months already! Can yall believe it? I can't... I feel like it was just yesterday! Anyways, I really have nothing exciting to report... just still growing like weeds and eating us out of the house:) Gotta run watch the American Idol results show... i'll update more tomorrow!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Feeling MUCH better!!

Here is the 6 pound fish cody caught
during Momo's bday party in Waco!!

A nakie Kaylie (screaming of course) and
Parker (calm as usual) with their great-
grandma, Momo!

This is what you do when you have 2 babies that
wake up screaming... sit them in each corner of the
crib and make them have a staring contest!! haha

These are onsies that Cody and I found last summer
when we were in Florida! (I was prego and mom's
grandma name is Mimi)...

Well, the Dick family is back in full-force!:) The kiddos are finally starting to eat like normal again and are as happy as can be (knock on wood!)... Last week might of been the worst week ever! I seriously don't know how "octomom" will be able to handle 2 sick kids (much less 14), while watching the other 12... I thought I was going to lose all sanity, SERIOUSLY! At one point I opened all the windows (it was beautiful outside), turned off the TV, and turned on some Christain music so I could slowing gain my sanity back:) Two sick kiddos at once is awful, but now its over (for now) so its all good!

Anyways, yesterday we went to Waco for Momo's (Cody's grandma) 89th birthday party... its always a fun time! The kids were good.... well hold on let me back track... Parker was all smiles the whole time and the life of the party... Miss Kaylie on the other hand was not! All she wanted to do was have someone hold her while she slept and when she was awake, she would scream when someone talked to her! (My sweet little drama queen!) Its so funny how different their two personalities are already.

Today, we just hung out at the house most of the day. Parker and I went and saw mom's new place all finished and ran some errands! (He loves being with his momma!) Kaylie and daddy had father/ daughter time:) Well, I guess that's about all for now... one of my good friends, Andrea (aka:coss), is coming in town tomorrow so I better go finish cleaning:)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not one, but TWO sick babies:(

Poor brother feels awful:( No smiles today!

Poor sister not feeling well at all:(

So, I figured someone else in the house would get what Kaylie had a few days ago... and despite my efforts to keep brother and sister separated from each other, Parker started throwing up this morning at 10 and it lasted until 2 this afternoon... He isn't throwing up anymore, but its coming out the other end:( He just moans and is in such pain. Our pediatrician is thinking its a stomach bug, so there really isn't anything they can do for it except have them drink pedialite. It just breaks my heart to see them hurting so bad... but there is nothing I can do but hold and cuddle them! (PS: If it weren't for my mom coming today to help me calm down 2 sick kids I would have gone completely insane... matter of fact, I don't think its humanly possible for one person to watch to sick infants!)

Well I am about to pass out from exhaustion!! I will update tomorrow!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Can't think of a good title for this post...

Keeping the babies entertained in the back
room during Nanny's funeral.

Big girl sitting on the couch!

These are two outfits our friends Allison and Blake
gave us before the babies were born... The funny thing is
the saying are exactly their personalities...haha!
( I just realized Kaylie has a hold of Buddy's tail...hahaha!)

Wow.... where do I even begin... I know its been almost a week since I last wrote, but we have been sooo busy. Last week (tuesday I think) we found out that Blessie "nanny" Watkins passed away. She was like a grandmother to Cody... She was Cody's cousins grandma on the other side, so not blood related, but she was very much like Cody's own grandma. Her funeral was in Arlington. We went to the visitation Friday night and then the funeral Saturday afternoon. During the funeral I spent most of my time trying to entertain the kids in the parlor room. But the part of the funeral that I did see, it was beautiful and such a great service. Nanny will truly be missed!

On a happier note, yesterday I went to help my mom move into her new place. We moved from 9 to 3 and got almost everything:) Her new place is so cute! Cody watched the kiddos while I helped her... Although after moving a 1000 pound bed, I think I would have rather stayed and watched the kids...hahaha!

Sooooo... this morning when I went in to get Kaylie at 7am from her crib, she had snot running down her face and her saliva was really thick. So of course my first thought is maybe she is just conjested... ohhhhh nooooo, after not wanting to eat and being really snuggly with me (which she never likes to sit still for 2 minutes) I knew there was more to it! So about an hour later I picked her up and she threw up everywhere!! Needless to say, I rushed to the pediatrician... come to find out she has a stomach virus:( Poor sister! She is acting really really tired and not too hungry. I am just going to continue to monitor her! I am hoping Parker doesnt get it, but as oh now he is all smiles (as usual!)

Well, thats whats been going on with us! I will post more this week!