Thursday, January 8, 2009

New sleeping record set!!

Momma and Kaylie napping at Momo's
Kaylie offically has the title of "Best Sleeper"! Last night she set a Dick Household record... I put her down at 7:45p and she didnt make a sound until 6:15a... WAHOOO! I think we are finally getting somewhere:) Parker on the other hand... we got some work to do!! Anyways, today we actually got to get out of the house and go on a walk! (The weather has been so unpredictable... ice on monday and sunny, 75 degrees today(PERFECT!) Besides the swing in our living room, walks are Kaylie and Parker's favorite thing in the world... They could be screaming their heads off and all I have to do is get them out in the fresh air and its like a switch flips! I'm sure I look pretty hilarious pushing the stroller with one hand and holding Buddy's (my dog) leash with the other... and I cant walk more then 10 steps without Buddy stopping to pee on everyone's mailbox! Needless to say, these walks don't count as exercise, they're are basically just to be out of the house to keep the kiddos happy:) Because if the kids are happy, everyone's happy!
So, I have been doing inventory on formula and diapers... as of right now we are going through one can of formula every 2 days (about 4 cans a week!!!) and between 16 and 20 diapers a day! It's insane how fast the formula goes... I feel like I open one can then 2 hours later I am opening another... good news though...We got a letter from Similac yesterday that said "congrats on your twins. We will be mailing you a shipment of our product" WAHOO! Nothing better than free formula!! Our pedi told us they should be sending us a case... Its pretty sad that free formula really excites me... hahaha!
Well, I better go pay more attention to the National Championship game since its tied 14-14 and in the 4th quarter! Until tomorrow... good night!

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