Monday, June 1, 2009

Girls Weekend in Houston! (Kid-less)

Me and my girls in Houston!

Amanda and AK!

Meg and I

Amanda and her mom, Anna!

Me and Amanda!

Me, Amanda, and Meg!

Amanda and Meg!

Amanda and I

Can I just start by saying... this weekend was MUCH needed! We really didn't do anything too crazy... call me a grandma if you want, but I seriously just want to lay around (which I NEVER do) and read a book during the day...and that's what I did! I went to see my girls Amanda and Meg in Houston... Amanda's grandma turned 65 so they had a big party at her mom's house Saturday night! It was my idea of the perfect day... lay around in PJ's all day then drink WAY too much wine at night:)

Anyways, so when I got home last night Cody surprised me with a gift card to the Gap! You may be wondering why???.... well because after staying with the babies for a day and a half he REALLY appreciates what I do:) Thanks honey!!

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