Saturday, June 27, 2009

We're Here!!

Sorry I have no pictures for this post, but we made it to Florida in one piece:) And surprisingly enough, Kaylie and Parker were perfect on the plane!! When we walked onto the plane you could just see the looks on the peoples faces, like "I hope they don't sit next to me with those two babies"...hahahahaha! Kaylie had the "Emergency card" (thing in the back of the seat pocket) ripped up before we even took off... but she was happy, so I could have cared less!! Both of them took about 45 min naps, which was nice because the flight was only 2 hours!

Just wanted to send a quick update... but I will write more tomorrow... we go to the beach house in the morning... oh and pics will have to come when we get back because I don't have my laptop with me:( But don't worry there will be more then you probably want to see!!

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