Friday, February 20, 2009

Big Boy and Big Girl!!

Big pretty sweet angel girl!

Our photoshoot... typical facial expressions...haha!

Brother having fun in his jumperoo!

My big man!!

Well, its offical... Parker is the first to roll from his tummy to his back and the first to hold his head up and prop himself up with this arms while he is on his belly! Kaylie can finally do it too, but his first time was yesterday and hers was today:) Sister is ALMOST ( I mean like really close) to rolling from her back to her tummy! ( I give her a week and she will be flippin and floppin) Also, I have gotten the jumperoo out of the attic and they both love it! Neither one know that they are suppose to jump in it, but they love to sit in it and look around... Parker's feet don't even touch the ground...haha!
Oh yeah, so today we went and had some pictures taken on the kiddos... Someone in my mom of multiples group told me about this lady and how she is trying to add to her portfolio and that she was looking to take pics of twins... so I jumped on it! (and it was FREE which made it even better!) Anyways, we get to the lady's house and she is really nice and the kids did good for about 10 minutes... then all hell broke loose! haha... they were sooo tired and just weren't having it anymore! I have no idea if there is even one good picture, but atleast we tried:) When we got home and they woke up from their nap I did my own photoshoot with them because I just couldn't let those adorable outfits go to waste...haha! (The pics above are the ones I took!)

Hmmm... well I guess there is nothing else going on here... tomorrow I am helping Jean Marie out with her girls while she is out of town, so Cody will be at home all day with the babies!:) I will report tomorrow on how he does:)

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