Keeping the babies entertained in the back
room during Nanny's funeral.
Big girl sitting on the couch!
These are two outfits our friends Allison and Blake
gave us before the babies were born... The funny thing is
the saying are exactly their personalities...haha!
( I just realized Kaylie has a hold of Buddy's tail...hahaha!)
Wow.... where do I even begin... I know its been almost a week since I last wrote, but we have been sooo busy. Last week (tuesday I think) we found out that Blessie "nanny" Watkins passed away. She was like a grandmother to Cody... She was Cody's cousins grandma on the other side, so not blood related, but she was very much like Cody's own grandma. Her funeral was in Arlington. We went to the visitation Friday night and then the funeral Saturday afternoon. During the funeral I spent most of my time trying to entertain the kids in the parlor room. But the part of the funeral that I did see, it was beautiful and such a great service. Nanny will truly be missed!
On a happier note, yesterday I went to help my mom move into her new place. We moved from 9 to 3 and got almost everything:) Her new place is so cute! Cody watched the kiddos while I helped her... Although after moving a 1000 pound bed, I think I would have rather stayed and watched the kids...hahaha!
Sooooo... this morning when I went in to get Kaylie at 7am from her crib, she had snot running down her face and her saliva was really thick. So of course my first thought is maybe she is just conjested... ohhhhh nooooo, after not wanting to eat and being really snuggly with me (which she never likes to sit still for 2 minutes) I knew there was more to it! So about an hour later I picked her up and she threw up everywhere!! Needless to say, I rushed to the pediatrician... come to find out she has a stomach virus:( Poor sister! She is acting really really tired and not too hungry. I am just going to continue to monitor her! I am hoping Parker doesnt get it, but as oh now he is all smiles (as usual!)
Well, thats whats been going on with us! I will post more this week!
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