Sunday, March 15, 2009

Crib Party!!

So, last night kaylie decided it would be hilarious to wake up every 2 hours laughing... (not so funny at 3 am!!)... I think she was having her own party in her crib celebrating mommy's birthday! haha... I have no idea what she was doing, but thank goodness my mom was here to get her back to sleep!

Anyways, YES today I turned 25! It was a great day... woke up early went to Target with mom (for those of you who know me, know that's my fav place!), came home played with the kids, after lunch I went with my friend Meredith to get a mani and pedi:)... it was her gift to me!... then came home and Cody made us ribs for dinner! Pretty laid back, but wonderful day!

As for the kiddos, they are just growing like crazy! The rice cereal eatting is going OK, but not great! Kaylie gets too hungry and would much rather just suck down a bottle (because it takes less work...haha!) Parker is good at the cereal, but LOVES his bottles too! Its funny now though because when they see that bottle that go crazy and if you pull it out of their mouth while they eat, they scream! Parker is laughing like crazy now ALL the time... it is absolutely the most cute thing in the whole world (I will try and catch it on video tomorrow!)

Well, the kids have been asleep since 7 and I am exhausted so nighty night!
PS: I promise to take more pics tomorrow and post them!

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