Saturday, October 10, 2009


5 days old

3 months old

6 months old

9 months old

Almost a year old!

I am sitting here right now trying to remember the last year... to say it has "flown by" is an understatement! I can remember being in the hospital like it was yesterday, cool, calm, and collected while Cody was pacing up and down the halls sweating! I couldn't wait to meet our little bundles of love... I was dilated to 10cm at 5:30p, wheeled back into the operating room (just in case I had to have an emergency C-section), pushed for 37 mins and by 6:07p I had two of the most beautiful babies I had ever seen! (Ok, so maybe a little biased, but hey, I'm the momma..haha!) As soon as I got back into the post-delivery room, all I wanted was a snickers and a Dr.Pepper... I don't think that's too much to ask for, considering I just pushed out 2 babies:) I remember we wanted to leave the hospital so bad because we felt cramped in that little room and I couldn't wait to get Kaylie and Parker home to see their new house! About 3am the next day I was wishing we were back in the hospital, so the nurses could take them to the nursery and watch them while we got some sleep...haha!

The first 5 months are a complete blur... from the up-all-nights to being so delirious during the day that I didn't know what day of the week it was! I never thought the sleepless nights would end, BUT they did and I wouldn't change it for the world! The only thing that got me through those first few months was the constantly telling myself that they wouldn't be babies forever and that one day I would be wishing I could hold and rock them all night:)

The past few months have been the most fun... Parker is now standing up and clapping at the same time and Kaylie is signing "more" and laughing all the time. They have the most adorable, totally different personalities... there are some days that I can hardly roll out of bed at 6am, but the first sight of my sweet babies with their squinted eyes totally makes every day all worth it!!

Well, I better get to sleep... I am writing a letter to Kaylie and Parker every birthday for them to read when their old enough:) Better get writing... I will update about the party tomorrow night!


B.E.A.L. said...

awwwww...this is so sweet and I love hearing birth stories...I could sit and listen to them all day long. I especially love this one since I didn't know you or them when they were born.

I love progression cute!

Happy First Birthday Kaylie an Parker! Have fun celebrating!

Amy said...

Happy first birthday Kaylie and Parker!

Reading this post gives me hope that these sleepless nights with my girls will end soon and reminds me to enjoy them now while they are babies. I'm already sad thinking of them growing up.

The Ortega's said...

Okay, my fav's are the 5 day and the 9 month pictures...but they are all really cute. What a wonderful gift for the LO's.