Monday, December 14, 2009

Spring time weather in December = Park Time!!

My little man climbing through the tunnel... favorite pic of
the day!!

Brother and Sister fighting to get through the tunnel!

This is ALL she wanted to do...SWING!

I can't believe my sweet little baby is running all over
the playground already:(
Two totally different personalities... Sissy sitting in back
staring at the kids playing and brother just happy to be
outside playing!
Today the weather was BEAUTIFUL, which meant we went to the park. Its the first time Parker had been to the park since he's been able to walk:) Needless to say, he is in LOVE with the park now... he wants to be outside ALL the time now!
That's all for now...night night!


B.E.A.L. said...

those pics are adorable...glad you guys took advantage of the nice weather today!

FrostedStrawberry said...

Amazing how the weather has been lately.
Snow one day , None the next
My son LOVES the park , It's nearly impossible to get him to leave