Friday, December 11, 2009

14 Months Old and Family Christmas Pic!

Here is our Christmas card picture for this year!
Buddy is camouflaged but if you look close you can see him...haha!
We took 65 pics in literally 3 minutes (on the sports "quick snap"
settling on my camera) because it was 35 degrees and raining outside!
Totally a Griswald picture taking experience:)
Thanks to Meredith for capturing my circus on camera!!
So, anyways, yes another month has passed... My babies are offically toddlers in every sense of the word! Parker walks everywhere, no more crawling at all, and Sis, well she is getting there! She now stands alone by herself and pushes her car everywhere... she can walk, but she just doesn't know it yet!:)
Words they know:
Bye (both)
Dada (both)
Mama (both)
Dog (Kaylie)
Duck (Kaylie- comes out Du-T)
Quack- Quack (Kaylie- comes out gak gak)
Yo Gabba Gabba (Kaylie- comes out abba abba)
Baby (kaylie)
So as you can tell Sissy is the talker! Although, I must say Parker is the better listener:) You tell him "no" and he tell Sis "no" and she looks at you and laughs and gets back to what she was doing!! HAHA... I am definitely gonna have my hands full;)
Well that's all for now, we are headed to see Santa at the mall... can't want to see they're reaction this year!

1 comment:

The Ortega's said...

"A Griswald picture taking experience" evokes such a perfect and hilarious mental image. The final product turned out gorgeous. Happy Holidays!!