Tuesday, January 19, 2010

City Slickers out in the country!!

Sissy trying to escape the farm!

My babies playing on a hay stack!

Sis trying to figure out what that big horse is!:)

He LOVED riding the horse!!

My sweet girl riding Elvis the horse!

This past weekend we went to Bryan for Gayle's surprise 60th Birthday party.... While we were there we went out to Cody's cousins house to see their new miniature pony! He is so cute and the kids LOVED him! They actually loved being outside where they could run around without me having to tell them "no" all day long! :)

Today we had they're 15 month check up appt and they are both healthy as horses (no pun intended...lol) Here are the stats:

Height- 32in (90%)
Weight- 22.13 lbs (25%)
Head- BIG (Can't remember the size, but its 97%)

Height- 33in (97%)
Weight- 26.8 lbs (97%)
Head- BIG (95%)
So basically, we have 2 tall, big headed kids..haha!

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