Friday, September 25, 2009

Stroller Skating

My angels LOVED stroller skating!

Kaylie crawling ALL over the skating ring:)

Parker and Mikayla fighting over water bottles!

Miss Priss's new outfit that my mom made her

A few things we are making to sell at our craft show...
More about the craft show and stuff we're making on the next post!
I won't leave you hanging for long;)
It's 6:45a, I've been up for an hour with a daughter who doesn't like to sleep in:( But I guess I can't complain too much since I get to get my hair colored today, which means a 3 hour break for me:) Yesterday we went Stroller Skating with some of our StrollerFit friends. Kaylie and Parker loved to be pushed in the stroller while I skated behind them, holding on for dear life (I havent be skating since junior high..haha!)
Anyways, everything is good around here... Parker has now decided that he wants to stand (by himself, holding on to nothing!), and Kaylie has decided that she finally wants to use those chunky legs to pull up to standing (definitely still wobbly...haha!) Ummm and yeah, 2 weeks until my babies are 1 year old toddlers...aaaahhhh, where has the time gone.. I want to call them babies forever!
Well, they are both pullimg their high chair out from under the table... I'm thinking they want breakfast hahah... I better go feed these munchkins:)

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

so glad yall had fun Stroller Skating...I have heard it is such a blast. I may need to try it next time.

Kaylie's outfit is tooooooo cute! Can't wait to hear about the craft show!

Enjoy your 3 hour break today!