Thursday, September 10, 2009

11 Months old!!

First time to McDonalds! We met my friend Tina and her twins
(Preslee and Beckett) before the play group at My Gym!

Mimi showing Kaylie how to go down the slide at My Gym

Kaylie's boyfriend and Parker's girlfriend... Beckett and Preslee

Kaylie and Preslee playing at My Gym.

All 4 crazy kids together in "baby jail"

Yes, we are starting her early:)

Brother and sister playing so sweet together!

He loves to crawl through things!

She does too... I just love the ponytail...haha!

Totally infatuated with the bubbles:)

Today Kaylie and Parker are 11 months old... HOLY COW! (Don't worry, I will save the mushy stuff for their one year blog post!) We had a blast today... the group that I am in, PAMOM, had a play group at My Gym today... there was probably about 10 sets of twins there!! Kaylie and Parker had a blast:)
Anyways, here is a list of things that these little munchkins are doing these days:
1.Loves to clap
2.Will mock any sound you say to her
3. Crawls everywhere
4. Feeds herself
5. Loves TV, doesn't matter if it's on CNN, she will just sit and stare at it...haha!
6. Pulls out her bow everytime I put it in... already a tomboy:)
7. Loves giving 'kisses' to everyone, she will just come up and lean her forehead against you.
8. Loves to be out and about
9. If she sees me eating something, she wants it everytime.
10. She has 2 1/2 teeth, with another about to poke through
1. Pulls up to standing on everything
2. Can stand by himself for about 20 seconds
3. Loves to shake his head "no" at you and laugh
4. Loves to climb adn crawl everywhere
5.Infatuated with pulling everyones hair
6. He has 6 teeth
7. He will eat anything, and I mean anything, you put in front of him
8. He really could careless about the TV, he just likes to hit all the buttons on the cable box
9. Loves to be outside taking walks in the stroller.
10. He ALWAYS smiles right when he sees Kaylie
So, I guess that's about all for now... I got one month left to plan their party:)

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

sounds like it was a fun 11 month gym rocks!

can't wait to read all about their first, fun, fun!