First time riding in the "big kid" shopping cart at Target!
They LOVED it!!
The pictures above are from our trip to Target the other day... I am in disbelief how fast they are growing up! We really didn't need anything at Target that day, I just wanted to get out of the house... and anyone who knows me, knows that Target is my second home:)
Let's see what's going on around here? Parker now just stands up in the middle of the room for minutes at a time (he will be walking before we know it!), Kaylie FINALLY decided that she wants to start pulling up on things to standing (only problem is she gets stuck, can't figure out how to get down!), Buddy went to the vet and is now on a strick diet (haha...poor buddy, no more scraps!), and the best news of all going on around here is that Kaylie and Parker are back together in their room! (Sidenote: I had been spliting them up with Kaylie in a Pack n' play for the past few months) This is the second night in a row of them back together, but I think it's here to stay:) They cry for about 20 minutes when we put them in there, but eventually fall asleep! Oh yeah, I forgot another important point... they are on WHOLE MILK now!! I know, I know... they aren't a year old YET, but will be in 10 days and I don't think 10 days is gonna make a whole lotta difference! (I actually started them on it a week ago) They LOVE it and could probably drink it all day if I let them!! So no more formula for us:)
More later... Night Night!