Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mondays with Mimi:)

Within 5 minutes of being at Mimi's, Parker was climbing on
her patio table!

And as soon as we walked in Kaylie saw her
David Yurman jewlery and put it on! Girl after her
Mimi's heart!

Such a man, went straight for the remote!

You would have thought they were watching the greatest
show on earth! haha... they had pushed so many buttons
that the TV got all messed up!

Sissy with her first juice box:) Brother had his first too,
but there is no picture!

Having a feast on the coffee table... Mom pushed them
in the stroller to Whole Foods and they all got lunch to bring back home!

Playing in the water bucket and dirt pot!

LOVES the dirt!

Sissy got brother with the dirt!

Sweet girl!

Mom took them to Target and sissy wouldn't
let her leave without buying them each a truck!
Haha... so spoiled!

She loves playing in the mirror!

Seriously, she looks like a teenager watching TV in
this picture!
So, for an entire month the kids are having, what mom and I call, A Month of Mondays with Mimi!!! It's my Mother's Day gift.... seriously the best gift EVER!!! This past Monday was the first one and the kids LOVED it... but probably not as much as me:) It was the first time I have been in my own house without kids for more then an hour...haha! I mean don't get me wrong, I LOVE my kids, but it sure was nice being at home by myself for an entire day!! I dropped them off at 10a at her house and she brought them back home at 7p!
All in all, the kids did awesome playing at Mimi's all day and I actually got to get a few things done around the house:) THANKS MOM!!!!


Amanda and Jason said...

Holy crap! Kaylie seriously looks EXACTLY like you! It's insane. Pics from Mimi Mondays are super cute!

Amy said...

The one you titled "Sweet Girl" she looks so much like you!

And what a great gift! I love being home alone in my own house....but I can't tell you the last time that happened.