Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter 2010... Finally!!

Sissy playing basketball in Momo's backyard!
Favorite pic of the weekend!!

Hanging out with Gammy on the back porch!

Snack and water break!

Sis at the egg hunt at church in Bryan!

Parker playing on the slide instead of hunting eggs!
He LOOOOOOVES to slide... and has no fear of the
big ones!

Diva... didn't want to get her new dress dirty!

Couldn't find sis for half a minute and then looked over
and saw her driving the truck...haha..so much for keeping
that new dress clean:)

Like father like son!

Gammy with Sis before the egg hunt at Momo's!

She could have cared less about it... and
kept running towards the street! They wonder
why I dont let them out in public:)

The only time she even touched the eggs!

Sweet man running through the yard!
So, yes it has been forever since I have last updated! I am sure a million and one things has happened since the last post, but I honestly can't think right now! For the 18 month update on Saturday, I will update everything that the kiddos are "doing" now!
Easter weekend was fun in Bryan... the kids really had no idea about how to hunt the eggs... they were just happy to be in the front yard (which they never are) so they could run out in the street... don't worry no children were injuried during the egg hunt..haha!! Well, I guess that's all for now, yes I know it's lame that I have nothing more to say, but atleast you got the pictures:)

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

I am loving all the new pics...they are getting so big so fast!

LOVE Kaylie's piggy tails in the bball pic...and I am loving how she didn't wanna get her dress dirty until she saw the truck!

and Parker...he is a handsome guy and loving that they didn't "know" how to hunt eggs...watch out next year!