Sissy with a little left over breakfast on her face... hahaha
Parker favorite new spot on the couch with Buddy... he climbs up all by himself!
( I will try and get it on video!!)
I feel like the past month has flown by... I could have sworn we JUST had their first birthday party!! Once again, I can't believe they are a month older... it's crazy how much they change in such a short period of time! I guess it's time for another "what are they doing now?" segment...
1. Walks all over the house ( but still crawls when he wants to get somewhere fast!!)
2. LOVES and I mean LOOOOOVES to climb on EVERYTHING! (His new favorite is on the couch)
3. Fish sticks are his new favorite food
4. He is so sensitive (cries everytime you tell him "no" in a stern voice!)
5. He is such a little love button!
6. He loves his sippy cup
7. He's not loving the stroller right now, but loves to be pushed around in his car!
1. Still wobbly, but loves to hand on to both my hands and have me help her walk! (she wants to do it on her own so bad, but it isnt gonna happen anytime soon...haha.. poor sister!)
2. She LOVES to look at all the pictures on the walls and say "dog"
3. She's not so much a fan of the sippy cup... would much rather have a bottle (that's a whole other story...)
4. She talks ALL day long... seriously, there is never a minute that she is completely quiet!! haha
5. Her new favorite food is turkey hotdogs!
6. If you tell her "no" she talks back to you and hits your face (if she's close enough)
7. She hates babydolls... the only one she has, she throws anytime its near her! (Tomboy already:))
So, that's all I can think of for now... I'm sure there is more that they do and like, but my brain shuts off when the kids go to sleep (if not earlier...haha) and I can't think!! Oh yeah and about the whole bottle/ sippy cup thing... my goal is to have them off the bottle by the time they are 13 months, which would be today, sooooooo... In the past week I have gotten them to one bottle in the morning and that's it! It hasn't affected them at all... they really don't mind that they only get one, but the big test will be when they don't get the morning bottle... we shall see how that goes... maybe i'll give them a graham cracker instead...haha! Graham crackers seem to heal everything in this household these days:) I will let yall know!
1 comment:
I am with you...I can't believe they are 13 months old. I love reading their "segments" They have such fun personalities!
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