Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of Preschooltighter

Brudder and Sissy walking out
to the car ready for school!

Brudder is really excited... if only
he knew at this point that momma
was about to drop him off!! haha

Last bit of The Fresh Beat Band before
school starts!

My big school boy!

Sissy with her nap mat and back-
pack, ready to go!

My big school girl!

Yes, she is OBSESSED with that paci...
hopefully she gives it up before 6th grade!

Parker "carrying" his nap mat
all by himself! He thought he was such
a big helper!
OMG... I can't believe my babies started preschool this morning! Besides Parker screaming bloodly murder when we dropped him off, everything went pretty smooth:) Kaylie ,of course, ran in and made 5 new friends instantly!! Cody went with me to drop them off and pick them up....I think he was more nervous than I was! I ran out of that room faster than you could blink... I know once I looked back and saw Parker screaming I would feel bad, so I just kept walking right on out to the car:) When we picked him up at 2 his teachers said he totally calmed down and had a great day!! That's what momma likes to hear!
They got these sheets in their folders that tell how their day went... I am really thinking they have my kid mixed up with someone else...haha! Both of them said they sat and a circle and sang songs...and actually slept on their nap mats.... hmmmm! I wish I was a fly on the wall to see if it actually happened. I was a little nervous about them having to sleep on the nap mats because they have never slept anywhere other than their cribs. I mean they see me making them ALL THE TIME, but they have never actually used one before. Apparently, Parker took a 45 minute nap and Kaylie, well, she just wanted to play! She "rested" for 20 minutes!
So overall I would say it was a pretty successful first day of preschool! Oh yeah, and you must be wondering "Sarah, what on earth did you do on your free time??" Lets see... did 5 loads of laundry, went to best buy for 400 millionth time trying to get the computer fixed, went to the bank, TRIED to organize the sewing room, and went to lunch with Cody at Kobe Steak house! No there was no sitting on the couch eating bon bons playing on Facebook!! Haha. Although, Thursday will be here before I know it... so it may be a possibility:)

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

I am so happy for everyone...the kids will love this time and so will you! Isn't it amazing what you can get done when two sweet little toddlers aren't under your feet? You were so productive!

It sounds like everyone handled it just fine....yay for that!

They look so cute with their gear! And Landry is obsessed with the Fresh Beat Band too!