Friday, December 31, 2010

End of 2010

Yes, I know it's been almost 2 months since I last updated and TONS has happened since then... I figured since we have about 11 hours left in 2010, I better squeeze one last blog post in before 2011:)

Let's see:
-We celebrated Thanksgiving in Bryan and the kids had a blast playing with all their cousins. While we were there I noticed that the kids were starting to out grow their pack-n-plays which meant that the next time we went to Bryan, we were going to have to have them transitioned to toddler beds!!!
- So toddler beds it was!! We transitioned them the first week of December... The first attempt at getting them to actually stay in bed was a NIGHTMARE!! (Granted, I have a gate in front of their door so they can't really go anywhere) Naps were pretty much nonexistant the first week, but bed time was relatively easy. I had to take EVERY SINGLE THING out of their room, because they were staying up and playing and destroying it all....haha! They have been in their toddler beds for close to a month now and they LOVE them! They seriously think they are too cool being able to climb in and out of their beds all by themselves!
-They have also really been enjoying school.... They had their Christmas Program on December 7th... their class song was Jingle Bells and Sis would walk around ALL DAY singing it! Parker could have cared less about it...haha! They did so good during the program... sat up on stage and rang their jingle bells and clapped for themselves!:)
- Santa came to our house about a week early this year... Parker got a drumset (yes, I know I am crazy... but he LOVES it and I would rather hear beating then crying...haha) and Kaylie got a dollhouse. Uncle Will also go them a keyboard and microphone... so needless to say it is LOUD in our house, but they love it, so I could careless:)
- Oh yeah, and Santa got Cody and I a Ford Expedition!!! Ok, well we actually bought it had been shopping for a few weeks, but I am SOOOOO happy that we finally have a car that we fit comfortably in:)
-We went to Bryan to celebrate Christmas and the kids had a blast getting new gifts and seeing all the Christmas lights!

It blows my mind that it's New Year's Eve again... where did 2010 go!?! I am so excited to see what 2011 will bring:) The one thing I'm not looking forward to in 2011......POTTY TRAINING! But I will worry about when it gets here...haha!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

yay for the are a step ahead of me on the beds...I want to keep landry in her crib as long as I can...I am not excited about that one!

Happy New Year!