Friday, May 7, 2010

We've been....

...riding on the carousel at the mall...

...taking the escalator...

...walking through the mall....

...playing outside....

... in our sunglasses...

....sitting in our new Elmo chair, I scored at a garage sale for $5...
...adding new inventory to Mimi Made It...

.... and playing dress up in my dance costume from when I was 4!!
Yes, Kaylie fits it (sort of) at 19 months!
So, as you can tell we have been doing a whole lotta stuff around here! Nothing extremely exciting, but definitely keeps us busy:) I also, painted Kaylie's toe nails, but the pic is on my other camera! She thinks she is too hot to trot with her painted toe nails...haha! Seriously when I first painted them she walked around the house in circles staring at her feet:)
This weekend my grandpa and aunt are in town, so they will be over tomorrow afternoon to see the kids... better get cleaning...this house looks like a tornado hit;)

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

those are some fun things yall have been doin...and I can't believe how big those two kiddos are getting! Wow...we really must get together soon!

Can't wait for the picture of her pretty toes and the new bag is way cute!