Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dallas World Aquarium!

This picture CRACKS me up... Kaylie's has some
serious bed head!! (Taken 7:15am)

Sissy and Brudder checking out the otters at the
Dallas World Aquarium!

Checking out the birds!

Parker was scared to death of this fish...haha..
he jumped back about 3 feet when it went
swimming by...:)

Sissy checking out......


Parker loved the flamingos...haha!
The pics above are from Saturday... Meredith and I took the kids to the Dallas World Aquarium! They had a BLAST!!! Kaylie LOVES animals... I mean seriously, she "ohhhh's" and "ahhhh's" over all of them...haha! And she doesn't have a shy bone in her body... she was just running all over the place telling everyone hi! Parker on the other hand would only go close to the fish tanks and cages if he saw sissy do it first...haha!
Today, we just hung around the house. Besides the fact that it was raining all day, I got 4 napmat orders Friday that I needed to get started on, so Cody played with the kids most of the day so I could lock myself in the room and sew:) 4 napmats in a day is a Mimi Made It record!!!! So exciting... I can't wait to see how the business grows!
I guess that's all for now, gotta go do more sewing and then off to bed! I will try not to keep everyone waiting an entire week for more pics and updates of the kids:)


B.E.A.L. said...

What a fun outing...the Dallas World Aquarium is a fun place to go with lots of neat things to see. Looks like they had a ton of fun!

and that is awesome that you got 4 orders in one! congrats!

Meredith Crump said...

So much fun! I love Parker's heart PJs ; )