Friday, February 12, 2010

Let it SNOW!! (and 16 month update)

Sweet little guy playing in the snow...

Sissy was having a blast playing in the snow....
we got 10 to 12 inches in our backyard!

Buddy and Daddy

It was sooooo funny watching Buddy hop around in
the snow!

My little man standing in the deep snow..
he wasn't sure how to walk in it!

Sissy LOVED it... please excuse the boogies!

He did not like falling in it... ALL!! Not a happy camper in this pic!

Daddy and his sweet angel girl!

Checking it out!

First time touching snow!

Our house this morning:)

Day 1, Thursday (5 hours into the snow)

Day 2 (Firday morning) 24 hours into the snow!

Sissy LOVES to color now!! At this point we were going stir
crazy not being able to go outside!
S0, if you haven't heard yet... we got a FOOT of snow in Dallas the past few days!! The kids had a blast playing in it...I had to bribe them back in the house with cookies;) I was in complete shock that it snowed for 24 hours straight. I have never seen snow like this in my life!!! Although it was beautiful, I am ready for some spring time weather around here:) These stir crazy kids need to get out and run around the park!!
Here is a little update on what they are doing at 16 months old:
-Kaylie loves to color in her coloring book
-Parker is our big helper (ie, taking diapers out, giving buddy treats, etc.)
-Kaylie talks NON-STOP
- They both look at each other and say things then follow each other to the playroom...I swear they have they're own language!
-Their new favorite thing is taking a shower:) I mean seriously their most favorite part of the day!!
-They love Rice Milk, and have been drinking it for the past few weeks because Parker has had terrible nasty poop for a while and wanted to see what would happen if I took out cow's milk... results: it's gotten better, so I think we'll stick with rice milk for a while!
-They both wave and say hi/bye
-Sissy wouldn't know what to go without her binky and blanky
-Parker has literally eaten his blanky to shreds
-Parker loves to slide
-Kaylie loves to "read"
-They are still OBSESSED with Yo Gabba Gabba!
-They go to bed at 6:30p and sleep until 7a (most days)
I guess that's about all for now! I have to get everything ready for tomorrow's trip to Waco (just for the day) for Momo and Lil's 90th birthdays:)

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

love the snow pics...this is historical so I am glad they had fun out there!