Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Children's Museum- Bryan,TX

Little man getting ready to ride away!

So happy to be playing at the museum!

Sweet, sweet man!

They have a little grocery store in the museum and
Parekr LOVED pushing the cart around and putting
his groceries in it:)

I put this clown wig on Parker and he wouldn't look at
me to take a pic, but I think this one is pretty hilarious!

Sis checking everything out!

Such a big girl!

She is INFATUATED with herself! haha

"Mom, seriously that's enough pictures already... just let me play!!"

My tall girl playing with the Mage Blocks!
So, I was dying to get the kids out of the house, but I couldn't find any kid activities in the Bryan/ College Station area... until Bless told us about the Children's Museum! I'm not gonna lie, I had no idea what to expect and I definitely thought it would be lame, but atleast it would get us out of the house! Boy was I wrong... the kids LOVED LOVED LOVED it! And if the kids are happy, momma's happy! So with that said I think we will go again today;)

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