Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A much better end of the day!!

My friend Jocelyn and I took our kids to the My Gym trial class today... and of course they LOVED it:) (I think we are going to wait until they are walking to enroll them though!) Anyways, here are some pictures from our day.... ended up much, better then the "crappy" start!

My little monkey hanging from the bars:)

Parker, Mikayla, and Kaylie climbing up and down the mat!

SOOOOO happy!

Big pretty girl playing in the ball pit!

Miss Priss doing a hand stand on the balance beam!

Loved the swing and cried when the other kids had
to take a turn!!

They were watching daddy grill steaks tonight!
(And notice, Buddy is never far behind them!)

Me pricing clothes for a garage sale (it's not until Oct 3rd)
and Buddy couldn't help himself but to fall asleep right on
top of everything!!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

I am so glad you had a much better ending to your day!

Isn't my gym fantastic? Landry loves it and I think it is a good idea to wait until they are walking. That is what we did with both girls and it worked out great!