Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy 9 Month (belated) Birthday!

Don't worry... I'm not going to bore you with... "Oh my gosh, I can't believe my sweet precious angels are 9 months old already!!" and "Seriously, 9 months old!?! Where has the time gone? My babies are growing to fast!!" I know I know, I say it every month but I figured I would spare you all:) I am loving this stage they are in right now... well I am kind of lying... I don't like the whole crawling thing ( I mean it is cute and all, but there is nothing worse then having to make sure EVERYTHING is picked up of the floor:)!) I am loving their personalities and watching them learn new "tricks" everyday! ( I use the word 'tricks' like I am running a circus...hahaha! Although, so times it seems like I am:))

What are they doing at 9 months, you ask? Let's see:
- Parker is crawling EVERYWHERE... I have to 'lock' him in the playroom to keep him contained:)
-Kaylie is learning to wave bye-bye... she does it about 1 every 5 times!
- Parker stands up in bed and can't get back down, which means I am going in there 10 times before every nap to get him down..haha!
-Kaylie wants to crawl so bad, and just recently figured out how to get her chunky leg out from under her, now she just has to figure out how to go forwards instead of backwards!
-Kaylie pulls Parker down by his bib and tries to rip his ear off his head...she is a mean sister!
-Parker has four teeth, Kaylie has two!
- They LOVE puffs!
- When Kaylie isn't trying to beat up Parker, they really do play well together:)

OK, so we just got back from their 9 month check up... here are the stats:
Height- 30 inches (>95 percentile)
Weight- 22lbs 14oz (>95 percentile)
Head- 18 1/4 inches (>95 percentile)

Height- 30 inches (93 percentile)
Weight- 20lbs 1oz (50 percentile)
Head- 19 inches (>95 percentile)

So there you have it... my sweet angels are 9 months old! 3 more months and its PARTY TIME:)

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

that is so funny....I love reading what each is doing and what Kaylie is doing to Parker!

Kaylie weighs more than Landry did at her 15 month check up...and Parker is almost there...she was 21 pounds.

These little monthly updates are the best! They are two little kiddos!