Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Splish splash!

Kaylie and Parker playing with his sunglasses!

They love their new pool:)

Sweet sweet girl!

Typical these days... Parker trying to
decide which thing he will chew on... He is
working on his 4th tooth coming in!!:)

OK, this is just hilarious... look at those sunglasses
falling down and that cute belly!

And this is even more hilarious... I mean seriously do
they really think someone is going to dive in a "pool"
that is 1/2 inch deep!?! haha

While we were out of town this weekend Mimi took the kids to Wal-Mart and bought them their first "pool"... it's literally a piece of plastic with a tube around it to keep the water in... the kids LOVE IT!! I mean they could sit out there all day... too bad its 102 degrees everyday, and there isn't enough room for me, so we only stay in about 20 mins!

Also, Parker is now crawling which means now he is trying to pull up on everything... tonight I heard him screaming his head off about 15 mins after I put him down (which he never does)... so I go in and check on him... he is standing in his crib against the railing and doesn't know how to get down, so I laid him back down and walked out! After repeating that process THREE TIMES he finally decided to fall asleep :) Kaylie lays down and she is knocked out within 2 mins!!

Now that everyone is asleep (ok, they have been asleep for 2 hours!) I need to get off this computer and start packing for our trip to Florida Friday!

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