Thursday, April 2, 2009

One year ago today...

....this is what we saw!!!

Seriously!?! Has it really been a year since we found out about our bundles of joy? I remember that day like it was yesterday...

I didn't have a doctor in the Frisco area, and it just so happened that the lady that I worked for at the time was pregnant, so she introduced me to her doctor (Dr. Farrow)... I didn't have an appt that day, but Benita (the lady I worked for) had called Dr. Farrow and told her the situation adn Dr. Farrow just told her that I should just come with her and her husband to their appt... So there we were sitting in the waiting room of the doctors office...Mike (Benita's husband), Benita, Cody and I! Cody was a nervous as could be (leg shaking, heart racing, etc.). I was just nervous because I had done 5 home pregnancy tests (yes, I know kind of ridiculous) that all came up positive, so at this point I am just hoping to hear a heart beat.

Sooooo... the long wait had come to an end, they called out my name to go back for a sonogram (Mike and Benita were already 1/2 way through their appt)... Cody and I walked through the hall and into the sonogram room... seriously we were freaking out just knowing I was pregnant, we had no clue about the news we were about to receive! So, the nurse starts the sonogram and starts making small talk with us about ours families and us, etc. Well then she proceeds to ask us if twins run in our family (both of us just thought it was small talk still....but OH NO she had a legitimate reason to be asking this!) She moved the sonogram wand around a little bit and low and behold there were TWO little bean shaped creatures in there! You talk about a surprise, that's a surprise! When she said twins we were both in total shock... Cody basically fainted, the water bottle he was holding fell to the floor as he fell against the wall before the nurse made him sit on the stool! I was in such shock that I couldn't even utter a word... my mouth basically just dropped to the floor! Of course as soon as we realized that there REALLY were two, we started calling everyone we know (from the sonogram room, we hadn't even met Dr. Farrow yet!) First we called our moms and they thought we were playing a late April fools joke on them..haha!

Once we left the sonogram room with our pics in hand, the first people we see are Mike and Benita... Mike said the look on Cody's face was priceless! Looked white as a ghost..haha! (Btw I was still speechless!!) We finally met Dr. Farrow for the first time and she probably thought we were a bunch of nuts! By the end of the appt I was SO happy that Benita introduced us Dr. Farrow... She is the best doctor ever! I wish I could have 5 more kids just so I could go see Dr. Farrow... OK maybe I exaggerated, but maybe one more:) (In 5 years!)

Now that I have given a play by play of the day we found out about the twins I must say... I WOULDN'T CHANGE IT FOR THE WORLD! I feel so blessed to be able to have two beautiful, happy, healthy babies... I really don't know what I would do if we only had one! (Well, maybe get more sleep...haha JK!)

Hope y'all enjoyed the story of the day our lives changed for the better:)

And here are the little 'bean creatures' now!!

The triplets! Buddy watching over his brother

and sister:)

Brotherly, Sisterly love! (Kaylie is kind of smiling!!)

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