Friday, January 16, 2009

Play Time

My big man looking up at his mobile!

Daddy and his little angel!

Brother and Sister on their new play mats!

Kaylie's first day in her exauscer!

Parker's first day in his exauscer!
So, today we got some "new" toys out of the attic... Both Kaylie and Parker are really starting to hold their heads up really well so I decided its time to get them some new activities to do:) I put them in their exauscers and they did great! They only lasted about 10 minutes... we will try again tomorrow!
As I sit here typing this blog I have "Dateline" on the TV playing in the background talking about the "Miracle on the Hudson"...what an incredible story of heroism by the pilot of that plane! I just can't imagine what was going on in the minds of all the people aboard that flight?!? It is a true testiment that miracles really do happen...
Well, I don't have much else to write because I am completely exhausted... time to go count sheep....Atleast until the first baby wakes up;)!

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