Sunday, August 29, 2010

My New Toy!!!

This is what has been taking up all my time (hence, no blogging!!)...

(Viking Topaz 30)
Mom and I decided that it was time to get our own embroidery machine! This machine does EVERYTHING... It's awesome! I still can't believe we have it:) So basically now, Kaylie and Parker's names will be on everything they own and anyone who is getting married or having a baby will be getting something monogramed haha:)
Anyways, my computer got the blue screen of death, so it's at best buy (hopefully getting fixed). Once I get it back I will update pics from our trip to Houston a few weekends ago! I know yall are dying to see pics of the kiddos...who by the way, will be 2 years old in 6 weeks....aaaaahhhh!

Friday, August 13, 2010

22 Months!!

Holy Moly... I can't believe I am starting to plan a two year old birthday party! Where in the world has the time gone!?! It really is amazing how time flies and how Kaylie and Parker are changing so much every single day. I haven't posted much about what they are doing now, so I will start with that: (Let me apologize in advance for no pics!)

-LOVES to draw... I mean he seriously draws these really small circles all over the page (or white board)
-He is OCD about EVERYTHING...way too many things to list!
- Has started with the terrible two tantrums...Not fun!!
- He says Elmo no less then 100 times a day
- He loves to be on the go (wonder where he got that from..haha)
- He is obsessed with being outside and playing in the splash table.

-STILL obsessed with her blanket and paci (I really hope she isn't 12 and still sucking a paci..haha)
-LOVES LOVES LOVES to stack blocks as high as she can.
-She is finally showing interest in playing with her dolls (talking to them, feeding them, etc.)
-She HATES getting in the car (just started about a week ago.. not sure why)
-She is a tomboy (apple doesn't fall far from the tree..haha)
-She talks non-stop!! Her and Parker have full on conversations... in their twin language!

Oh yeah, and we are FINALLY on one long nap..... 11:30-2!

I am sure there is so much more, but being that it's midnight and I have been sewing for 3 weeks straight I can't think! We are slammed with nap mat orders so the blog has been neglected, but I promise to try and keep it up better then I have been:)