Sunday, January 31, 2010

What happens at Mimi's house stays at Mimi's house!!

This weekend we were kid-free in our own home... we have been away from the kids overnight before, but it's always been us going somewhere and grandma coming to watch them! Well, this weekend was different... Mom took the kids down to her place for the weekend so Cody and I could enjoy a much anticipated birthday weekend!!

The birthday weekend included tons of friends, up all nights, and a few drinks (ok, clearly I am lying when I say "a few" drinks...there were WAY too many drinks being mixed!!) Anyways, we had a great time hanging out at the house Friday night and Saturday night was a BLAST at Blackfinn in Addison! We rented out the party room and completely filled it:) I am still sore from dancing all night and making a complete idiot out of myself...haha!

So anyways, here are the pics of the kids during they're weekend stay at Mimi's house... I'm sure mom was glad to see me this morning to pick them up..haha:)

Little man had only been there 10 minutes and was
already starting his mischievous ways!

Sissy new FAVORITE thing in the whole world....
LOOKING AT HERSELF!! This is the first pose!

...and the second pose...

...and the third pose!! What can you say... she loves herself!!

Eatting dinner!!

Seriously this cracks me up... can you say SPOILED!

And this one is great because of sissy in the background!

Parker favorite new toy... Mimi's old microwave!!
He opened and closed putting pots and pans in it for hours:)

Yes, that is a cheese grater he got caught with...
enough said:)

Sissy loved these window sticky things!! Brother
wanted to eat them;)

In heaven during her bath in the sink!

Discovering her toes under the bubbles:)

Parker had his bath before sissy and hated it
so mom got him dressed and put him on the counter next
to thing she knows he is getting in the sink
fully dressed.... sooooo (see below)

.... he got two bathes!! Once he saw that sissy loved it
he wanted to join her:)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Beautiful Weather= Happy Momma and Happy Babies:)

The weather was perfect on Friday so mom and I took the kids to the Dallas Zoo... last time we went they were 10 months and this time they loved it so much more! Kaylie was obsessed with all the animals and Parker liked them if he was far enough away just to look, he was having more fun just running around, climbing on everything!

My sweet baby girl walking around the Children's Zoo!

My handsome man climbing up and down the steps
at the Zoo!

Mimi and Sis posing by the duck pond:)

Serioulsy keeping up with these two is a FULL-time job!
Once we let them out of the stroller there was no turning

Sissy looking at the bunny saying "ohhhh, uuuuhhh, wwaahooo"
about 100 times in a row!

They LOVE the gorillas!!

The video below is of sister talking to the fish...
funniest thing ever!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

City Slickers out in the country!!

Sissy trying to escape the farm!

My babies playing on a hay stack!

Sis trying to figure out what that big horse is!:)

He LOVED riding the horse!!

My sweet girl riding Elvis the horse!

This past weekend we went to Bryan for Gayle's surprise 60th Birthday party.... While we were there we went out to Cody's cousins house to see their new miniature pony! He is so cute and the kids LOVED him! They actually loved being outside where they could run around without me having to tell them "no" all day long! :)

Today we had they're 15 month check up appt and they are both healthy as horses (no pun Here are the stats:

Height- 32in (90%)
Weight- 22.13 lbs (25%)
Head- BIG (Can't remember the size, but its 97%)

Height- 33in (97%)
Weight- 26.8 lbs (97%)
Head- BIG (95%)
So basically, we have 2 tall, big headed kids..haha!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

15 Month Birthday!!

Another month passes, another milestone hit!! Sissy is walking full time (yes, I blogged about it last time!)... My goal was to have her walking before our 15 month check up at the doctor (Jan. 20th) and she is...wahhhooo! Anyways, nothing too exciting going on today... really just laid around in our pj's trying to stay warm:) Oh yeah, and Sister hasn't really felt too good the past few days.... not sure what's wrong with her, but she is SUPER clingy (which she NEVER is) and all she wants to do is lay around (which NEVER happens)... She really has no other symptoms besides the fact that she hasn't eaten much the past 2 days (she ALWAYS eats!) I am thinking about taking her to the doc if things don't turn around tomorrow... we shall see!!

Let's see... at 15 months one or both are:
- walking
- say mama, dada, dog, duck, quack-quack, toot toot, gabba (yo gabba gabba), and a few more I can't think of..haha!
- dance when they hear music
-Parker LOVES to take out dirty diapers (only because it means he gets to go in the garage..haha)
- Kaylie will walk in circles around the house for 30 minutes without stopping
-Love to climb up and down they're slide
- Love being outside (Please let it get warm soon!!)
- And so much more that I can't think of... My brain shuts down at 9!

Here are a few new pics to enjoy!

Sissy and Brother laying around in the living room!

Sissy kicking back on they're new Toy Story couch I bought them:)

My sweet sweet little man... doesn't get any cuter than this!

Ok well... this is pretty sweet too! He LOVES Buddy:)

They love they're new couch:) Looks like I will be
buying a new one soon... they look alittle crammed haha!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We have another walker!!!

Yep, sister is offically WALKING!!! (I will get a video of it tomorrow to post on here!) Which means now I have two walking toddlers going in seperate directions! She actually started walking a few days ago, but it's safe to say that she is a "full time" walker now:) And let me just tell you... SHE IS PROUD OF HERSELF!! She walks in circles around the house all day long...haha! Cheap entertainment;)

Friday, January 1, 2010

6 years ago today.....

I lost the best father a girl could have ever asked for!!

I read this at my dad's funeral (1/4/04)... (I have been thinking for awhile now what I would write today on the 6th anniversary, but figured I would just type out the letter I wrote to my dad on the day of his funeral):

To the best man I will ever know-
Words can't describe how much you mean to me. You have inspired me in so many ways, probably in more ways then you ever dreamed. You are more than I could have ever asked for in a father. You gave me strength, love and hope every step of the way, but more importantly you always kept me in line. I don't think there was one night that you didn't call me at 12:01am wondering why I wasn't home yet. You are the most wonderful, caring father a girl could ever ask for. You have always told me to do everything I did with all my heart, and to never give less then 110%. The advice that you have given me throughout the years will carry me through all aspects of my life. (Even when you didn't think I was listening, I was!!) Dad, you mean the world to me. Everytime I was down I knew I could call you and you would always make me smile, even when I had the worst basketball game of my life you always brought out the positive side of things. The one thing I will miss the most is your home cooked meals, but don't worry mom and I know how to drive thru!:)
You've also shown me the true meaning of what friendships are all about. You are the luckiest man to have the friends like you do. Today in this room with you are your buddies that you've known for 30 years. I still remember all the golf weekends you had with the guys. You'd come home and talk about what a great time you had, even if you did lose!
Some of my fondest memories with you are all of our Griswald vacations we took. It seemed like everytime we went somewhere the most bazaar things would happen to us. I will never forget our trip to Florida, when we went on a "sunset" cruise where mom fell off the dock, when we went searching for dolphins, but never actually saw anything, we went snorkeling in mud, and then drove back home through a hurricane. All I have to say is National Lampoon has nothing on us.
But on a serious note dad, I love you more than anything on earth. You are my inspiration and hero. After all you are my dad and there is no one in this world that could ever replace you. Even when we had very litte, you gave so much. You are the greatest man I will ever know! We will miss you Big'un. And don't worry about mom and Will, I will be sure to take care of them for you!
PS: It says a a lot about a man who works out on the morning of New Year's day, while everyone else is still recovering from the night before.

Love Always,

As the years pass it gets easier, but it's something I will never forget! It's hard to believe that it's been 6 years... so much has happened since then that I wish he was here to see, but I know he sees it all everyday:)