Us in the car watching Will play tennis!
I bought sister a new bikini and I was dying
for her to try it on:) So cute!
Funniest picture of my little guy... he was
so happy to be outside!
Kaylie loved her hat and shades...actually
I think she just liked being outside!
My sweet little guys and me:)
Parker in his new tube toy!!
What an event-filled weekend we had!! Just me, mom, and the kiddos! (Cody was in Bryan for a wedding!)... Saturday we went to my Mom's of Multiples group garage sale.... they had such great stuff! I bought a ton of sleepers for 50 cents!! I am the ultimate bargain shopper, I hate buying baby clothes new unless I just have to... they only wear them for 2 months at the max! So anyways, I also bought a new bath tub thing... more like a little innertube they just lay in... kaylie loves it because she has figured out how to kick water and splash it all over the bathroom! I love garage sales!! After the garage sale we went to Richardson and saw Uncle Will playing tennis... it was 30 degrees outside so we just sat in the car, but Will was so happy to see his niece and nephew.
Then today... where do I begin? Well, I have been wanting to landscape the front of the house because it has looked horrendous for the past year and never got around to doing it... so this morning I woke up went to Lowes got me a little shovel and rake and mom and I got to work! (mind you, all while we watched the kiddos...good thing they took a 3 hour nap this afternoon so we could finish!) When I say we re-landscaped, I mean we RE- landscaped. Ripped out 3/4 of the shrubs, remulched the entire bed, and planted new flowers! I am so happy we just got a wild hair and did it because it makes the house look so much better... and on top of that Kaylie and Parker love being outside, so they didnt mind watching us in their chairs:)
So if you can only imagine, after 6 hours of some serious yard work I am completely exhausted!!!
PS: Saturday it was 30 degrees and today it was 75! Gotta love this Texas weather!